新達科技 Shinda Technology 以技術與誠信為本,
深耕於雲端管理、資訊安全、 科技應用等系統解決方案。
深耕於雲端管理、資訊安全、 科技應用等系統解決方案。
新達科技於 2024 年與 Haptik Taiwan 合作啟動品牌重塑計畫,
以嶄新命名 Shinspire Technology 出發,

Shinda Technology, driven by innovation and integrity,
excels in cloud management, information security, and system solutions.
In response to the rapidly evolving technological landscape,
Shinda Technology rebranded as Shinspire Technology in collaboration with Haptik Taiwan.
This transformation redefined its brand strategy and identity,
positioning it as a forward-looking global technology brand with a focus on cloud solutions.

在數位時代的浪潮中,一群熱誠的工程師懷抱著用創新技術改變世界的願景,於 2008 年創立了新達科技 (Shinspire Technology Co., Ltd.)。我們深耕於雲端管理、資訊安全、科技應用等系統解決方案,多年來憑藉堅定的信念和不懈的努力,不斷幫助客戶整合創新,在業界累積的成功經驗與信任,讓我們成為眾多指標企業無後顧之憂的數位動能。
迎接數位轉型的新機遇,新達以精簡卓越、加速創新、為所應為和溝通共享的企業文化為基石,透過雲端技術釋放企業創新潛能、拓展全球市場影響力。讓我們一起,共同邁向持續進化的未來。Transforming for tomorrow!

Brand Story
In the digital era, a group of passionate engineers founded Shinspire Technology Co., Ltd. in 2008, driven by a vision to change the world with smart cloud technology. We specialize in cloud management, information security, and technology application solutions. Over the years, our unwavering commitment and relentless effort have enabled us to help clients integrate innovations, building a track record of success in the industry. This has made us a trusted digital powerhouse for numerous leading companies.
Today, as the digital economy rapidly expands and digitization reaches across all industries, we firmly believe that cloud technology is the key advantage for the stable growth of global enterprises. The Shinspire team focuses on integrated cloud services, staying ahead of industry
trends to meet our clients' evolving needs with a forward-thinking approach, collaborating to create a smarter business future.
Embracing the new opportunities of digital transformation, Shinspire is grounded in a culture of Simplicity, Acceleration, Integrity and Transparency. Through cloud technology, we unleash the innovative potential of businesses and expand their global market influence. Together, let’s
transform for tomorrow and move towards a continuously evolving future!

Client / Shinspire Technology
Graphic Designer / Yi-Zhen Zheng
Graphic Designer / Yi-Zhen Zheng
Brand Strategy / Yuan Yeh
Brand Copywriting / Yuan Yeh
Project Manager / Wenda Chen
* The project is a design proposal created at Haptik Taiwan.